Inhouse Meeting on Practical Measures for Protecting Trade Secrets
In-House Practice Committee
On June 11, the In-House Committee sponsored a discussion on “Practical Measures for Protecting Trade Secrets.” Nadir Ahmed of Bose, Russell Beck of Beck Reed Riden, Daniel Lev of Intellia Thereapeutics, and Erik Weibust of Seyfarth Shaw led an energetic discussion of strategies ranging from IT and physical plant protections and HR procedures to employee training and establishing a company culture around confidentiality. A lively audience braved summer rains and MBTA breakdowns to learn about litigation strategy and the importance of good data forensics after suspected trade secret theft. The BPLA and the In-House Committee thank all the panelists for taking time from their busy schedules to prepare and lead the discussion and Seyfarth Shaw for hosting the event.