Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Michael Bergman
, Bergman & Song LLP

Welcome to the Spring 2018 Issue of the BPLA Newsletter.
We are pleased to announce a new feature, "Updates from the USPTO" presented by Commissioner Hirshfeld and the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The topic of this Update is Customer Partnership Meetings now being conducted by the Office. We would like to thank the Commissioner, as well as Alexander Beck, Paul Fucito, Steven Griffin and Robin Hylton, who helped to make this new feature possible.
Our thanks go out also to former USPTO Director David Kappos. Director Kappos has provided his introductory remarks, as presented at Harvard Law School March 29 of this year, on the Interface between Administrative and Patent Law. These comments identify key problems of the status quo and offer constructive suggestions for change.
In addition, we would like to thank Jerry Cohen, of Burns & Levinson LLP; Sophie Wang, of Choate, Hall & Stewart, LLP; Ronald Cahill, Micah Miller and Todd Gerety of Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP; Frank Liu and Gregory Len of Pepper Hamilton, LLP and Alexander Adam and Kristen Salvaggio of Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C. for their contributions.
These articles and notes reflect the important work being done by the Association. We value the work that they have done look forward to receiving your contributions for our next edition. In the interim, I look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Judges Dinner on May 31st.
Michael Bergman
2018 Editor-In-Chief