Brief for
Amici Curiae
Boston Patent Law Association in
Volume 51, Issue 1
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2019 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
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Message from the President Michael Bergman
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Foreign Counsel Membership Invitation
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Minutes of the Annual Meeting
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Brief for
Amici Curiae
Boston Patent Law Association in
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2020 Diversity and Inclusion Roundtable
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2019 Writing Competition Winner - Synopsis of "Hazards in Obviousness-Type Double Patenting"
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Creating Stronger Chemical Patents to Capture the Investment in Innovation: Best Practices
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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New Report on Underrepresented Groups in Patenting
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Making Connections Event Summary
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What makes Massachusetts small but mighty?
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2019 Annual Meeting
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The Case Law Club Kicks Off 2020 with
Arthrex v. Smith & Nephew
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Officers and Board of Governors
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Job listings
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Community Calendar
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Legislative Meeting Summary
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Spring IP Symposium
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David Gooder Appointed USPTO Commissioner for Trademarks
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This term, the Supreme Court is hearing several important copyright and trademark cases. One of the hot cases in trademark circles is
United States Patent and Trademark Office v. B.V.
, No. 19-46 (US 2020). The BPLA, via the
and Trademarks and Unfair Competition Committees, submitted an
brief supporting You can find the BPLA’s brief
. In
, the USPTO refused to register the mark “” as generic. On appeal to the district court, submitted survey evidence showing that consumers regarded the mark as a source identifier (
, a functioning trademark) rather than as a generic term, and the district court reversed the USPTO. The Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit affirmed. In the Supreme Court, the USPTO and its
argued that adding a generic top level domain identifier like “.com” to a generic term like “Booking” does not convert a generic term to a proper trademark. The BPLA argued that the USPTO was asking the wrong question. The question is not whether adding one generic term to another can ever create a non-generic mark. Rather, the correct question is what is the commercial impression of the mark as a whole. The BPLA further argued that the USPTO cannot ignore survey evidence on the commercial impression that the mark as a whole makes on consumers. Erik Belt, Lori Shyavitz, Susan Goldsmith, Anne Shannon, and Alex Ried, all of McCarter & English, LLP, wrote the brief.