Volume 47, Issue 4
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2016 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
October 9, 2016, marks the 100th anniversary of Louis D. Brandeis taking his seat on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. Justice Brandeis co-founded Nutter McClennen & Fish LLP with his partner Samuel D. Warren in 1879. Nutter and its neighbor upstairs, Foley Hoag, collaborated on two pieces analyzing intellectual property decisions authored by Justice Brandeis during his twenty-three-year tenure on the high court:

  • Ice Cream and Talking Pictures: Brandeis on Patents
    , published on Nutter’s IP Law Bulletin blog on October 5, 2016; and
  • Hot News, Shredded Wheat and Wool Underwear: Brandeis on Copyright and Trademark
    , published on Foley Hoag’s Trademark, Copyright & Unfair Competition blog on October 5, 2016.

Doyon Won, Ph.D
. – joins
Nutter McClennen & Fish
as an associate after completing his Juris Doctorate at
The George Washington University Law School.
Daniel Taylor
– joins the
United States District Court for the District of Delaware
as a judicial law clerk for the
Honorable Sue L. Robinson
after previously being an associate at
Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks
. Dan was also the winner of the
2015 BLA Annual Writing Competition
Members On The Move
Barry D. Josephs
, of the Law Offices of Barry D. Josephs, authored a book entitled
Chemical Reaction Equilibrium Theory – Pathways to a Better Understanding, Third Edition
Community Calendar
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Table of Contents
President's Message by Erik Belt
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BPLA Submitted
Brief in Design Case of the Century
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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The Defend Trade Secrets Act: Examining the DTSA’s Language, Use, and Future
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RESTORING THE PATENT SYSTEM: Countering Supreme Court Attacks on What Can Be Patented
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IPR Motions to Amend: Rays of Hope for Patent Owners Despite Gloomy Statistics
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Nominations for the BPLA Officers and Board of Governors for 2016-2017
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In re Aqua Products
: Claim Amendments During
Inter Partes
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Proposed Membership By-Law Change
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The 2016
Invented Here!
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2015 BPLA Annual Meeting Minutes
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Ex Parte
Reexamination as a Valuable Option for Challenging Patent Claims
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PTAB Bar Asssociation
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McRO v. Bandai
: Latest Federal Circuit § 101 Decision Breathes New Life into Software Patents
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Members on the Move
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