Volume 54, Issue 2

Message from the Editor
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the Spring 2023 Edition of the Boston Intellectual Property Law Association Newsletter. Our second newsletter of 2023 provides updates from exciting recent BIPLA events and activities, including our first in-person two-day BIPLA Symposium and meetings with a delegation from the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), offering insights on IP-related happenings in the US and internationally. From the BIPLA subcommittees, the Legislative Committee discusses a recent seminar. We also look ahead to our Celebration in Honor of the Judiciary on June 21, 2023.
I would like to thank my Associate Editor, Elora Borkowski, the BIPLA’s excellent administrator, Constance Brennan, and the staff of Readz for their help in preparing this newsletter. If you have suggestions, requests, or submissions for a future issue, please feel free to reach out to us at newsletter@bipla.org.
Emily Whelan
2023 Ⓒ Boston Intellectual Property Law Association