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Open Community Calendar >
Message from the President Joshua Dalton
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Message from the Editor
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Upcoming Event - Intellectual Property in the Age of AI: What Do You Own and How Do You Balance Risks
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BIPLA Annual Writing Competition
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BIPLA Pro Bono Award
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BIPLA Annual Celebration of the Judiciary
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BIPLA Patent Office Practice Committee Prepares Comments Regarding the USPTO Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Terminal Disclaimers and Double Patenting
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Review of Recent Antibody Case Law at the European Patent Office
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Updated Guidelines for AI Inventions
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New Test for Obviousness of Design Patents Presents Uncertainties and Opportunities
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Review of Recent SPC Case Law in the UK – Little Appetite for Divergence From the EU
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Noncompete Ban Turns Patents, Copyrights Into Corporate Shields
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Brazil's Accession to the Hague System: Milestones, Impact, and Future Prospects
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Update from the USPTO Patent Pro Bono Team
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Celebrating 100 Years of BIPLA - Share Your Memories
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Harbor IP
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List of Officers and Board of Governors
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Job Listings
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2024 Ⓒ Boston Intellectual Property Law Association

Celebrating 100 Years of BIPLA - Share Your Memories

This year we mark the centennial of the BIPLA! To honor the occasion, we would like to invite our membership to share any special memories or stories regarding the organization, including reflections on the organization’s value to you over the years. Bonus points if you have pictures or other media from the past that might not be in our archives! We hope to compile contributions over the year and include them in a future publication. Please send any contributions to Thank you!