Report of the Giles Rich Moot Court Competition
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2017 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
The 44th Annual AIPLA Giles Sutherland Rich Moot Court Competition for the Northeastern Region was held March 17-19, 2017 at Suffolk University Law School. This year seven teams competed in the event, including students from Boston University, Columbia Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, Suffolk University Law School, University of New Hampshire School of Law, and University of Minnesota Law School. On March 17, all seven teams participated in oral arguments from which four teams moved on to the Semi-Finals. Due to changes in the rules this year no awards were announced for best brief and best advocates. On March 18, the Semi-Finals were held in which Taylor Gailliot and Karin Greene from UNH School of Law, Tina Meng and John Hamel Strauss from Columbia Law School, Lauren Matlock-Colangelo and Max Offsay from Columbia Law School, and Kristin Emmons and Katherine Ziomek from University of Minnesota Law School all competed in oral arguments. At the end of the Semi-Finals, the Tina Meng/John Hamel Strauss team from Columbia Law School and the Kristin Emmons/Katherine Ziomek team from University of Minnesota were selected to move on to the Finals. Both of these finalist teams competed in the national competition held April 19-April 21, 2017 in Washington, D.C. The winning team in the national competition was U Penn (Lembo/Delsalvo) and the runner up was University of Utah (Eixenberger/Jaffe). We would like to congratulate the University of Minnesota Law School team for winning the Northeastern Regional Competition. The BPLA sponsored and organized the competition for the Northeastern Region. A special thank you is extended to all the volunteer brief graders and judges who made this year’s competition successful. Our volunteers this year included: Laura Stafford, Heath Misley, Lucy Lubashev, Tim Cook, Tom Fulford, Bob Clark, Stephanie Schonewald, William Mansfield, Liz Ranks, Daniel Ball, Vanessa Brown, Mark Nickas, Tom Wintner, Matthew McDonough, Martin O’Donnell, and James Foster.
Carolina Säve
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
Volume 48, Issue 2
Community Calendar
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Message from the President Monica Grewal
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Report of the Giles Rich Moot Court Competition
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Wi-Fi One, LLC v. Broadcom Corp.
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4 Factors Influencing Enhanced Damages After Halo
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Trademarks and Bankruptcy – The Difficult Mission to Harmonize Continues
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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Members on the Move
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