Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Michael Bergman
, Bergman & Song LLP

Welcome to the Summer 2018 Edition of the BPLA Newsletter.
The Association has had a busy quarter. It’s hard to believe there has been any summer lull at all when one sees the many activities reflected in this issue. From the Judges Dinner in May to the Summer Outing in August, we have had the pleasure of honoring our colleagues in the Profession and enjoying our mutual company. The photos and articles related to these events will surely bring a smile to your face.
Speaking of honoring our colleagues, I’d like to take a moment to note that our President, Rory Pheiffer, has been named to the Boston Business Journal’s 2018 list of 40 Under 40, and will be recognized at a presentation in October. The diligence and intellect he brings to this organization makes it easy to understand why the BBJ has conferred this prestigious honor on him, and we offer our congratulations.
Also in this newsletter you will find a thoughtful review by Tiffany Jang of the new Local Rules Of the District of Massachusetts Pertaining to Patent Cases, and an article by Lawrence Greene of Sunstein Kann Murphy & Timbers entitled
Supreme Court Allows Recovery of Profits Outside of US
. Also, reflecting yeoman’s service by the respective Co-Chairs of the Patent Office Practice Committee and the Contested Matters Committee, the BPLA presented comments on two separate Federal Register notices in August. One provided comments on Changes in Examination Procedure Related to Subject Matter Eligibility, and the other provided comments on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Changes to Patent Trial and Appeal Board Trial Claim Construction Standard. The newsletter includes links to both submissions.
As part of our ongoing series of contributions from the USPTO, we are pleased to offer Julianne Metzger’s article on the 10 Millionth Patent issued by the Office. We extend our thanks to Commissioner of Patents Drew Hirschfeld, for making this series possible.
We hope you find our efforts illuminating and enjoyable and look forward to seeing you at the many BPLA events planned for the Fall.
Michael Bergman