Message from the President Daniel Young
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Message from the Editor
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BPLA Comments Regarding USPTO Subject Matter Eligibility Jurisprudence
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The Smart Healthcare Revolution – What Does it Mean for Patent Attorneys?
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USPTO Representative Talks TMA at BPLA
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Pro Bono Spotlight: IP Attorneys Volunteer with New England Innocence Project
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Request for Comments on the Name of Our Organization and Proposed By-Law Amendment
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Notice of Nominations for 2021-2022 BPLA Board of Governors
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Tips for Lawyers & Law Students to Stay Sober During the Holidays
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Summary of USPTO Update to General Requirements Bulletin and BPLA Response to RFC on Same
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Announcement of Selection Process for New Committee Cochairs
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Invented Here! Celebratory event 2021
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Retirement of Judge Bowler and Opening for Appointment of New Magistrate Judge
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Market Exclusivity for Pharmaceutical Products in Europe
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List of Officers and Board of Governors and Committees
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Job Listings
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Volume 52, Issue 4
Announcement of Selection Process for New Committee Cochairs
Looking toward 2022, the BPLA Board invites members to consider whether they wish to serve as a committee cochair. Committee cochairs have an opportunity to lead in our organization through planning both social and educational programs and engaging in substantive legal work by responding to USPTO proposed regulations, policies, or requests for comment or by preparing amicus briefs on important issues. Committee cochairs increase their profile in the greater Boston legal community through increased opportunities to network and by demonstrating their leadership abilities. The Board invites both returning cochairs to express their interest in continuing in their positions and new potential cochairs to volunteer. Please email to, and to indicate your interest. The BPLA has the following committees: Activities and Public Relations AIPLA Moot Court Amicus Antitrust Biotechnology Business & Marketplace Case Law Chemical Patent Practice Computer Law Contested Matters Copyright Law Diversity & Inclusion Ethics In-House Practice International and Foreign Practice International Trade Commission (ITC) Invented Here! Law School Legislative Licensing Litigation Medical Devices New Lawyers, Law Students, Patent Agents & Technology Specialists Patent Law Patent Office Practice Pro Bono (ad hoc) Social Media Trade Secrets Law Trademarks and Unfair Competition
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2021 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association