Request for Comments on the Name of Our Organization and Proposed By-Law Amendment
Request for Comments on the Name of Our Organization
The Board is seeking comments from membership regarding the possibility of changing the “Boston Patent Law Association” name in light of the fact that the organization embraces all forms of intellectual property. Please provide your thoughts to admin@bpla.org, so that we may receive your feedback as the Board considers this question.
Proposed By-Law Amendment
Per Article X of the By-Laws of Boston Patent Law Association, Inc. (BPLA), the Board of Governors writes to provide to the membership notice of a proposed by-law amendment. The email sent to the membership on November 4, 2021, constitutes notice to the entire BPLA membership of the proposed amendment. The membership will vote on the proposed amendment at the Annual Meeting on December 8, 2021.
The membership of this Association shall consist of six five classes of membership: Attorney, Non-Attorney, Foreign Counsel, Government Employee, Academic, and Life. Membership is subject to the requirements below, and is subject to the discretion of the Board of Governors.
(A) ATTORNEY MEMBERS. Attorneys at law who are in good standing in any court of record in the United States, or any of the States or territories thereof, and engaged in the practice of patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property law shall be eligible for Attorney membership. Attorney Members shall have the right to vote. Only Attorney Members who reside or have a principal office in the First Federal Judicial Circuit shall have the right to hold office.
(B) FOREIGN COUNSEL MEMBERS. Foreign attorneys, patent agents, and trademark agents who are in good standing to practice patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property law in the courts or patent and/or trademark office (or equivalent) of any country outside of the United States shall be eligible for Foreign Counsel membership. Foreign Counsel Members shall not have the right to vote or the right to hold office.
(C) NON-ATTORNEY MEMBERS. Non-Attorney Members shall have the powers, privileges, and obligations of Attorney Members of the Association except those of voting and holding office. The following categories of persons who do not qualify for Attorney Membership and who reside or have a principal place of business in the First Federal Judicial Circuit may be eligible for Non-Attorney Membership:
(1) patent agents registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office;
(2) students who are enrolled and in good standing in an accredited law school;
(3) paralegals and technical specialists who are employed by, or provide services to, a firm or company engaged in the practice of patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property law;
(4) inventors, engineers, scientists, researchers, technicians, authors, and artists;
(5) academics and university students (a) in any science, engineering, or technical field recognized by the United States Patent and Trademark Office or (b) who have demonstrated a verifiable interest in intellectual property issues;
(6) subject matter consultants and experts who regularly advise or provide services to intellectual property lawyers and their law firms; provided, however, that they are not seeking membership merely as a means to gain access to sales and business opportunities;
(7) others who have demonstrated a verifiable interest in intellectual property issues and who are not seeking membership merely as a means to gain access to sales and business opportunities. In exercising its discretion to admit or deny admission to Non-Attorney Members, the Board of Governors may delegate its authority to the Secretary of the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors reserves the right to revoke membership of any person deemed by the Board of Governors to be marketing products or services to other members to the detriment of the Association.
(D) GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE MEMBERS. Government Employee Members shall have the powers, privileges, and obligations of Attorney Members of the Association except those of voting and holding office. Subject to the discretion of the Board of Governors, the following categories of persons who reside or have an office in the First Federal Judicial Circuit may be eligible for Government Employee Membership, even if they would otherwise qualify for Attorney Membership:
(1) federal and state court judges, including magistrate judges, who sit in any federal or state court located within the First Federal Judicial Circuit;
(2) any judge of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and any justice of the United States Supreme Court;
(3) Law clerks for any judge included in Sections C(1) and (2) above;
(4) Employees of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, including the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board;
(5) other employees of the federal government who have an official interest in, or official responsibility for, establishing, overseeing, or implementing intellectual property policy and practice; and
(6) other government employees of states or territories within the First Federal Judicial Circuit who have an official interest in, or official responsibility for, establishing, overseeing, or implementing intellectual property policy and practice.
(E) ACADEMIC MEMBERS. Academic Members shall have the powers, privileges, and obligations of Attorney Members of the Association except those of voting and holding office. Subject to the discretion of the Board of Governors, the following categories of persons who reside or have an office in the First Federal Judicial Circuit may be eligible for Academic Membership, even if they would otherwise qualify for Attorney Membership:
(1) full time law school faculty; and
(2) individuals whose primary employment is teaching intellectual property law or practice.
(F)(E) LIFE MEMBERS. All Attorney, Foreign Counsel, Non-Attorney, and Government Employee, and Academic Members upon reaching the age of seventy shall automatically qualify as Life Members of the Association. Life Members shall continue to have all the powers, privileges and obligations they had prior to becoming Life Members except that they shall be exempt from the payment of dues.
(G)(F) Each application for membership shall be submitted to the Association. The Secretary shall review the eligibility of the applicant for membership. Subject to meeting eligibility requirements and the Board’s discretion, the applicant becomes a member upon payment to the Treasurer of such dues and fees as are required.