BPLA Legislative Committee Holds Discussion on COVID-19 IP and Legislative Issues
By Deirdre E. Sanders, Hamilton Brook Smith & Reynolds
The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a continuing impact on the intellectual property and innovations of our scientific, legal and business communities. On the evening of May 6, 2020, the BPLA Legislative Committee held a videoconference meeting to discuss responses to the COVID-19 outbreak from local universities and businesses, as well as from the legislature.
After BPLA President Michael Bergman and Legislative Committee Co-Chair Deirdre Sanders provided introductory comments, Legislative Committee Co-Chair Myron Kassaraba provided an informative slide presentation regarding the University response to COVID-19, in the areas of donations, research, development and collaboration, and technology licensing. It was noted that COVID-19-related research includes mask and respirator testing, demand modeling, face shield and ventilator designs, contact tracing, diagnostics, treatments and vaccine development, among other areas.
Legislative Committee Co-Chair Erik Belt then led a lively discussion about potential Legislative Committee actions, including potential communication with the local Congressional delegation and coordination with other groups of similar and overlapping interest. The status of the Massachusetts Bad Faith Patent Assertion bill, including coordination with the Senate regarding review and revision of the current draft of the bill, was discussed, as well as further plans for the Committee’s actions and activities.
Thirty-nine members registered for the event, the majority of whom attended, and the participants were engaged and well-informed. The Committee welcomes further ideas for action, as well as participants in its events and activities. For more information, please contact any of the co-chairs or