Esteemed Colleagues,

The Boston Patent Law Association is pleased to announce a new membership category for our Foreign Counsel. Attorneys, patent agents, and trademark agents, admitted in courts and intellectual property offices outside of the United States, are now encouraged to apply to join the BPLA.

Founded in 1924, the BPLA has been bringing together friends and colleagues to advance intellectual property and the legal profession, and to promote the rule of law, for almost 100 years. Our amicus briefs are cited by the U.S. Supreme Court, our administrative comments influence new regulations and our meetings and presentations draw attendees and speakers from across the legal profession, from the federal government and judiciary, and from academia and industry.

We hope that you will join us, bringing your knowledge and creativity, and helping us build a robust and vibrant intellectual property system for the benefit of all.

An application for membership is available at this
. Please do not hesitate to contact me personally with any questions or concerns at
. And welcome to the BPLA! Michael Bergman President
Welcome Foreign Associates
By Michael Bergman, Bergman LLC
Table of Contents
Message from the President Michael Bergman
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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Recap of the BPLA Webinar with USPTO Director Iancu
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Lessons on Inherency Challenges After
Hospira v. Fresenius Kabi USA
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PTAB Launches the Legal Experience and Advancement Program (LEAP) for the Next Generation of Patent Practitioners
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Signing Documents Electronically
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The Case Law Club’s Virtual Discussion of
Hulu v. Sound View Innovations
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In Memoriam Q. Todd Dickinson
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The Supreme Court Upends the First Circuit’s Approach to Recovery of Defendant’s Profits Under the Lanham Act
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United States Patent Office Finds Artificial Intelligence System Cannot Be An Inventor
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The Pirates of Precedence, or How a Modest Copyright Case Could Affect Controversial Supreme Court Cases
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Diversity Committee Meeting
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BPLA Legislative Committee Holds Discussion on COVID-19 IP and Legislative Issues
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Community Calendar
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Officers and Board of Governors
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In-House Committee Activities
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Welcome Foreign Associates
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Job Listings
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Volume 51, Issue 2
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Table of Contents
2020 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
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