Volume 51, Issue 2
Dear Colleagues, When I wrote my last presidential message, the pandemic was new and its implications unclear. We were just discovering the meaning of homebound living and social distancing. For the first time in most of our lifetimes, we were experiencing broad shortages of common staples and real disruptions to the lives of our people. In the intervening weeks, we have watched unemployment rise to levels unmatched since the Great Depression. The stock market has recovered significantly from a precipitous plunge, but uncertainty continues to dominate the economic landscape. As of this writing 120,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. I know that this tragedy has touched our members and, on behalf of the entire organization, I offer our solemn condolences. The intervening weeks have also brought us graphic and horrific video of Black Americans killed with malice and wanton indifference by uniformed police officers. Although reflecting the oldest of America’s social inequities, these events highlight the urgent need for new solutions. I am intensely aware of the limitations of my experience and perspective. Nevertheless, I believe it is essential that we do what we can as individuals and as members of the BPLA to support those in our profession, and in society generally, who face systemic discrimination and violence. Internally, we can build on the early efforts of our diversity and inclusion committee. We can welcome voices with relevant knowledge, and strive to broaden our understanding of the lived experience of our colleagues. More generally, we can commit ourselves as lawyers, members of society and participants in the American experiment, to personal action; personal action to improve our institutions, to banish racism, and to move this country towards a greater realization of justice and equality before the law. I will do what I can to see that these efforts are productive, and I hope and trust that my colleagues in the BPLA will join me in this undertaking. Thank you, Michael Bergman 2020 President
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2020 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
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Message from the President Michael Bergman
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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Recap of the BPLA Webinar with USPTO Director Iancu
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Lessons on Inherency Challenges After
Hospira v. Fresenius Kabi USA
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PTAB Launches the Legal Experience and Advancement Program (LEAP) for the Next Generation of Patent Practitioners
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Signing Documents Electronically
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The Case Law Club’s Virtual Discussion of
Hulu v. Sound View Innovations
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In Memoriam Q. Todd Dickinson
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The Supreme Court Upends the First Circuit’s Approach to Recovery of Defendant’s Profits Under the Lanham Act
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United States Patent Office Finds Artificial Intelligence System Cannot Be An Inventor
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The Pirates of Precedence, or How a Modest Copyright Case Could Affect Controversial Supreme Court Cases
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Diversity Committee Meeting
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BPLA Legislative Committee Holds Discussion on COVID-19 IP and Legislative Issues
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Community Calendar
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Officers and Board of Governors
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In-House Committee Activities
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Welcome Foreign Associates
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Job Listings
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