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Open Community Calendar >
Message from the President Joshua Dalton
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Message from the Editor
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Minutes of the Annual Meeting
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Upcoming Event - Annual Celebration in Honor of the Judiciary
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Upcoming Event - Champions of Creative Justice & Innovation
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BIPLA Annual Writing Competition
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2023 Writing Competition First Place
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2023 Writing Competition Second Place
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BIPLA Case Law Committee Discussion of Prosecution Laches Order in Sonos v. Google
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BIPLA Fourth Annual Symposium
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BIPLA Patent Office Practice Committee Discussion of USPTO Guidelines for Assessing Inventorship Involving Assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
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The Ongoing Challenges in the Implementation of Mexico's Intellectual Property Law: Divisional Patent Applications Originating from Another Divisional Application
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USPTO Releases New Guidelines for Assessing Enablement in View of Amgen v. Sanofi
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USPTO Guidance on AI-Assisted Inventing: A Natural Person is an Inventor if they Provided a Significant Contribution
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Members on the Move
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Update from the USPTO Patent Pro Bono Team
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New: BIPLA Mentorship Program
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Celebrating 100 Years of BIPLA - Share Your Memories
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List of Officers and Board of Governors
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Job Listings
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2023 Ⓒ Boston Intellectual Property Law Association

Minutes of the Annual Meeting

By David Mello, Onello & Mello, LLP
Wednesday, December 6, 2023, The State Room, 60 State Street, Boston
I. Call to Order and President’s Report
President Rebecca McNeil called the meeting to order at 12:03 and welcomed all those in attendance, following a networking cocktail hour.
President McNeil presented welcoming remarks, in which she expressed gratitude for being able to meet in person, recognized and welcomed past presidents of the Boston Patent Law Association, and recapped events that took place over the course of the year. She observed a moment of silence to remember those BIPLA members that had passed away during the year, particularly David Brooks. She thanked Constance Brennan for their support, as well as the Board and committee co-chairs for their efforts in staging events during 2023, such as the very successful symposium. She also thanked her Activities Chair Eileen Ennis for her efforts and support throughout the year.
II. Treasurer’s Report
President McNeil introduced Treasurer Derek Roller. Treasurer Roller reported that in 2023 the organization had income of $258,871.12 and expenses of $270,603.14, for a loss of $11,732.02, with $177,411.68 in remaining assets. Treasurer Roller offered to read the balance of the Treasure’s report and, hearing no requests, he requested motions to waive the reading of the balance of the Treasurer’s Report and to accept the Report, which were made and carried. The Treasurer’s Report was accepted.
III. Secretary’s Report
Treasurer Roller introduced Secretary Valarie Rosen. Secretary Rosen moved to waive the reading of the minutes from the 2022 BPLA Annual Meeting, which had been made available to the membership on the organization website. Motions to waive the reading and approve the meeting minutes were made and carried. The minutes from the 2022 BPLA Annual Meeting were accepted.
IV. Writing Competition
Secretary Rosen introduced Board Member Keith Wood to announce the winners of the BIPLA’s Annual Writing Competition. Board Member Wood thanked the participants and the Writing Competition Judges. He then announced that the BIPLA selected as the second place paper “The Substan-dard Similarity Test: The Substantial Similarity Test Applied to Musical Works and Sound Recordings” by Benjamin Silvers, a 3L at the Boston University School of Law. Mr. Silvers made some brief remarks and thanked the BIPLA.
Board Member Wood then announced that the BIPLA selected as the first place paper “Quitting Miss Chiquita: reconsidering Trademark Abandonment Doctrine in the Post-George Floyd Era of Socially Motivated Non-Use of Disparaging Marks” by Sara Sam-Njogu a 3L at Western New England University School of Law. Ms. Sam-Njogu thanked BIPLA and made remarks concerning her motivation for writing the paper.
V. Pro Bono Awards
Since Past President and Pro Bono Committee chair Daniel Young was unable to attend, Board Member Wood introduced President McNeill to present the Pro Bono Award. President McNeill announced that the BIPLA selected Micah Jones of Morgan Lewis Mintz Lewis to receive the award in view of his efforts to help former Afghan government deputy minister and his family secure Special Immigrant Visas and relocate to the United States. Mr. Jones accepted the Award and gave remarks about his efforts.
VI. Keynote Speech
President McNeill introduced Elizabeth Dorsey, Staff Attorney, Office of Enrollment and Discipline, USPTO. Ms. Dorsey gave a review of the USPTO’s efforts and outreach to encourage greater pro bono support from practitioners. Ms. Dorsey introduced Elizabeth Dougherty, Eastern Regional Outreach Director, USPTO, who gave a presentation outlining pro bono resources from the USPTO and through the New England Arts and Business Council of Greater Boston. President McNeill presented Ms. Dorsey with gift on behalf of the BIPLA.
VII. Nominating Committee Report and Election
President McNeill introduced Immediate Past President Keith Toms to announce the nominations for 2024 Officers and Board Members. Immediate Past President Toms noted the automatic elevation, according to the rules of the Association, of Josh Dalton to the office of President. Mr. Toms presented the slate of Officers that had been approved by a unanimous vote by the Nominating Committee, consisting of himself and Past Presidents Daniel Young and Michael Bergman:
President Elect – Emily Whelan Vice President – Derek Roller Treasurer – Valarie Rosen Secretary – David Mello Board Member – Keith Wood Board Member – Kevin MacDonald Board Member – Wyley Proctor

Immediate Past President Toms requested a motion for acceptance of the nomination of the Officers and Board Members and election of the nominees, which was made and carried. Thus, in accordance with the Bylaws of the Association, the 2024 Board of Governors of the BIPLA was duly elected.
VIII. Remarks of the Incoming President
Immediate Past President McNeill introduced Incoming President Josh Dalton. President Dalton thanked Ms. McNeill for her service and presented her with a gift in the form of an inscribed vase from the BIPLA. President Dalton noted the upcoming 100 year anniversary of the BIPLA and his plans to continue to build the community and the goal of returning membership to at least pre-COVID levels, or beyond.
IX. Adjournment
President Dalton moved to adjourn at 1:40 and the motion carried. Networking time was provided following the meeting for a brief time.