The Constitutionality of
Inter Partes
Review Is Before the Supreme Court
Scott Pierce
Hamilton Brook Smith Reynolds
The America Invents Act of 2011 introduced three new avenues for third parties to question the validity of granted patents at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (Patent Office), namely covered business method review, post-grant review, and
inter partes
review. While all three are intended to be relatively inexpensive alternatives to litigating weak patents,
inter partes
review has proved so far to be the most popular and most effective, the Patent Office granting about 80% of petitions filed and invalidating about 75% of patents in which petitions have been granted. The constitutionality of
inter partes
review is now being challenged at the Supreme Court in
Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC
. Oral hearings are set for November 27, 2017. This article summarizes the briefs filed by the parties, including the federal government, provides some context for the issue on appeal, suggests some implications of possible holdings by the Court, and proposes one possible resolution.
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2017 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
Volume 48, Issue 4
The author is solely responsible for the views of this article, which do not necessarily represent those of his Firm, or any client or organization.
originally appeared in IP Extracts® and is reprinted here with permission from Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C.
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The Constitutionality of
Inter Partes
Review Is Before the Supreme Court
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BPLA Committee Report
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The Federal Circuit Confirms a Return to Restrictive Patent Venue Requirements
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In memoriam of Stanley Abkowitz
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What Reviving the TTIP Agreement Could Mean for the Future of Geographical Indications
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The use of Applicant Admitted Prior Art in IPR Petitions
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Situations When Written Opinions of Counsel Could Spare You a Patent-Related Headache
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Minutes of the 2016 BPLA Annual Meeting
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The BPLA Files
Amicus Curiae
Brief in
Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC, et al.
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