Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Deirdre Sanders
Hamilton Brook Smith Reynolds
Welcome to the fourth and final BPLA newsletter issue for 2017!
First, I would like to thank all of the contributors to this year’s newsletter issues, as well as everyone else who helped to make this year a success. I have thoroughly enjoyed being Editor this year what a terrific and educational experience. This has been a great year for the BPLA, as you can see, for example, from the BPLA Committee Report in this issue. In addition, our Invented Here! event was a big success, and you can check out the article and pictures in this issue. The BPLA was also active in filing amicus briefs this year, and you can read an article regarding the BPLA
Oil States
brief, along with an in-depth article about the case. In other BPLA news, this issue contains proposed BPLA by-Law changes and the Minutes from last year’s Annual Meeting for your review. In this issue, you will also find articles about many interesting topics beyond the BPLA, including inter partes review petitions, written opinions, the TTIP agreement, venue requirements and even Indonesian Trademark Law. I invite you to dig in and be inspired to contribute to the next issue! I look forward to seeing you all at the Annual Meeting on December 7th! Your Enthusiastic Editor,
Deirdre Sanders
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2017 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
Volume 48, Issue 4
Community Calendar
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Table of Contents
Message from the President Monica Grewal
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The Amendment of Trademark Law in Indonesia
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Deleted Teachings and Incorporation by Reference
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Save the Date: BPLA Annual Meeting
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The Constitutionality of
Inter Partes
Review Is Before the Supreme Court
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Invented Here!
2017 Recognition Event
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BPLA Committee Report
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Members On The Move
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The Federal Circuit Confirms a Return to Restrictive Patent Venue Requirements
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Officers and Board of Governors
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In memoriam of Stanley Abkowitz
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What Reviving the TTIP Agreement Could Mean for the Future of Geographical Indications
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The use of Applicant Admitted Prior Art in IPR Petitions
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Situations When Written Opinions of Counsel Could Spare You a Patent-Related Headache
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Job Listings
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Community Calendar
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Save the Date: Case Law Committee Meeting
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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Proposed BPLA By-law Amendment
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Minutes of the 2016 BPLA Annual Meeting
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The BPLA Files
Amicus Curiae
Brief in
Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene’s Energy Group, LLC, et al.
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