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BPLA’s Second Annual PTAB Summit

September 14, 2017
Rachel L. Emsley, Finnegan
and Andrej Barbic, Ph.D., Proskauer Rose
Whether you are new to AIA trials or a seasoned PTAB veteran, we hope that you will join the Contested Matters Committee for our cornerstone event. We are expanding the summit to a full day event! The new morning session will feature an “AIA Trial Bootcamp” hosted by the PTAB Bar association, and the afternoon session will feature panel discussions and networking with PTAB stakeholders and PTAB practitioners.
Come share and learn about the evolution of PTAB practice.
Registration will be separate for the morning and afternoon sessions. Details and registration information will be posted soon on the BPLA Events Web Page.
Tentative Schedule:
9:30 a.m. - 10 a.m.
Registration for Morning Session
Light breakfast will be served
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
PTAB Bar Association Presents: AIA Trial (PTAB) “Boot Camp”
Explore the nuts and bolts of PTAB proceedings, review and critique pleadings,
share and learn best practices from seasoned PTAB practitioners
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Lunch and Registration for Afternoon Session
1 - 4 p.m.
Panel Discussions
Explore how the PTAB has evolved over the past 5 years of AIA post-grant trials,
consider the evolving boundaries of PTAB proceedings, and the maturing of PTAB strategy
as the proceedings are continually shaped by the Supreme Court, Federal Circuit, and U.S. Patent and
Trademark Office. Panelists will include practitioners, APJ’s and in-house counsel.
4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Networking and Cocktail Reception
Boston Marriot Cambridge
50 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02142 For more information about this event, contact the Contested Matters Committee Co-chairs at
Rachel L. Emsley, Finnegan
Andrej Barbic, Ph.D., Proskauer Rose