Volume 51, Issue 3
2020 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
Volume 51, Issue 3
By Michael Bergman
President's Message
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief

Dear colleagues,
Like many things that were supposed to happen during the summer of this strange year, the
Summer 2020 Edition of the BPLA Newsletter
has slipped to the fall.  In this edition, we are pleased to bring you great articles, including Patent Portfolio Management in Uncertain Economic Times by James Coe and Like, Comment, Share, and Protect the Copyright of Digital Content by Susan Goldsmith. Also included are recaps of the BPLA’s events, including the BPLA Speaker Series event with Krish Gupta and the In-House Virtual Brown Bag Lunch.  In case you missed it, we have provided a reprint of the USPTO’s announcement of its report on the IP aspects of Artificial Intelligence. We are proud to note that the report reflects the feedback provided by the BPLA on this interesting topic. The BPLA is starting the process of selecting new committee co-chairs for the 2021 programming year.  If you have an interest in serving as a co-chair, please let us know with an email to
. And finally, we should pause as an organization to remember the lives and impact of the two great Justices we have lost since our last issue, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg of the United States Supreme Court and Chief Justice Ralph Gants of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.  Both will be sorely missed, not just as jurists, but as good examples to all of us on how to do a difficult job with courage, compassion, and integrity.  From all of us at the BPLA, thank you Justice Ginsberg and Chief Justice Gants.

Keith Toms Editor-In-Chief
BPLA Speaker Series:
Virtual Fireside Chat with Krish Gupta from Dell
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Like, Comment, Share, and Protect the Copyright of Digital Content
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By Susan Goldsmith, McCarter & English, LLP
2020 In-House Virtual Brown Bag Lunch
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Patent Office Practice Presentation
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Litigation/Biotech Seminar
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The BPLA Annual PCT Seminar
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Patent Portfolio Management in Uncertain Economic Times
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By James Coe, Hamilton Brook Smith & Reynolds
USPTO releases report on artificial intelligence and intellectual property policy
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Community Calendar
Find out about upcoming events
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Members on the Move
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Job listings
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Thanks to our sponsor:
Gallagher's Patent Drafting
Officers and Board of Governors
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Table of Contents
Message from the President Michael Bergman
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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BPLA Speaker Series: Virtual Fireside Chat with Krish Gupta from Dell
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Patent Portfolio Management in Uncertain Economic Times
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Members on the Move
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The BPLA Annual PCT Seminar
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Like, Comment, Share, and Protect the Copyright of Digital Content
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2020 In-House Virtual Brown Bag Lunch
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Patent Office Practice Presentation
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Job Listings
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Community Calendar
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Officers and Board of Governors
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USPTO Releases Report on Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Policy
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Litigation/Biotech Seminar
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