Writing Competition Awarded first place
Ashley Tarokh Brzezinski
The U.S. and many other countries provide artists of certain categories of artworks with rights that are separate from the artists’ economic or commercial rights in their works. These rights are commonly referenced as “moral rights.” In the U.S., moral rights are defined by statute under the Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA). This statute only extends to a narrow category of artworks, defined by the Congress as “works of visual art,” which includes works such as paintings, drawings, prints, sculptures, or photographs produced for exhibition purposes that exist in a single copy or limited edition of 200 copies or fewer. Since its introduction to the U.S. jurisprudence, VARA has received significant academic attention, with scholars arguing that the language of the statute is vague and ambiguous and includes too many exceptions. For example, it is not clear whether VARA can work in the digital age and extend to digital works such as photographs taken using a digital camera. This paper reviews categories of artworks protected under VARA and analyzes whether digital embodiments of artworks are capable of falling under one of these categories.
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2017 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
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whose article is entitled
Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA) and the Protection of Digital Embodiments of Artworks.
Volume 48, Issue 1
Community Calendar
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Message from the President Monica Grewal
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Implied In Ink?: How Tattoo Artists Can Claim And Protect Their Copyrights Against An Implied License Defense
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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A Conundrum for Time Bars to Institution of Inter Partes Review in Wi-Fi One, LLC v. Broadcom Corp.
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The Passing of a BPLA past president and Founding Partner of Hamilton Brook Smith Reynolds, Leo Reynolds
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Give Back by Getting Involved—BPLA’s Patent Pro Bono Program
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Boston Patent Law Association Minutes of The 2016 Annual Meeting
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Members on the Move
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Moot Court Judges Needed
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Arbitrating Patent Disputes — A Strategic Choice
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Considerations for U.S. brand owners in Cuba
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WIPO ST.26: A Roadmap To The Future of Sequence Listing Compliance
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PTAB Grants First Preliminary Reply and Sur-Reply Under New Rules
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Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA) and the Protection of Digital Embodiments of Artworks.
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SCOTUS UPSETS THE APPLE CART? The High Court Answers Key Question on Design Patent Damages, But Leaves Many
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New TTAB Rules Aim to Make Proceedings More Efficient
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Officers and Board of Governors
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Trademark Solicitation Scams
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