Volume 50, Issue 2
2019 Patent prosecution strategies in China
International & Foreign Practice Committee
Biotechnology Committee
On April 2, 2019, the Biotechnology Committee and International & Foreign Practice Committee jointly hosted a breakfast event entitled Patent Prosecution Strategies in China. Featuring presentations by Jonathan Miao and Luke Zuo of NTD China, the event offered a review and discussion of post final rejection procedure, acceptance of post-filing data, recent changes to Chinese patent law, and China's new IP Court of Appeals.
Biotechnology Committee co-chair DeAnn Smith offering welcoming remarks.
Biotechnology committee co-chair Jacki Lin providing introductions.
Jonathan Miao of NTD addressing questions from the audience.
Luke Zuo of NTD discussing best practices in prosecution.
Mr. Miao and Dr. Zuo with their NTD colleague Ms. Demi Wang.
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2019 Ⓒ Boston Patent Law Association
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Letter from the BPLA President
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Members on the Move
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List of Officers, Board of Governors and Committees
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BPLA-USPTO Panel Program Featuring Patent Examiner– Behind the Scenes Look at Patent Prosecution from Both Sides
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BPLA & FCBA Program - From Boston and Beyond
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Summer outing announcement
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Job listings
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Message from the Editor-in-Chief
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Does a “Full Moon” Mean Mars too?
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Biopharma IPR Trends – 2019 Mid-Year Update
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Racketeering Not Just for Mobsters Anymore: Patent Proceedings Too
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Community Calendar
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The Annual Dinner In Honor of the Federal Judiciary
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National IP Bar Associations from UK Bring Roadshow to Boston
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Invented Here!
Awards Event
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2019 Patent prosecution strategies in China
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Metida Law Firm Zaboliene and Partners Annual Meeting event
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Looking Forward to the 9th Annual
Invented Here!
2019 Awards Event
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Roundtable on Upcoming Changes in Trademark Practice in Canada
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An eye on Europe: Double patenting in the spotlight
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Five important changes to the Canadian Patent Act now in effect
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