Message from the Editor-in-Chief
Daniel Young
,Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the Spring 2019 Edition of the BPLA Newsletter.
Fourth Estate Public Benefits Corp v. and Rimini Street, Inc
. v. Oracle USA, Inc.
, an article on Columbia Sportswear’s recent patent infringement suit against Seirus Innovative Accessories, an article on biopharma IPR trends, updates on several BPLA event activities, including the upcoming Invented Here! 2019 Event, and guest posts from colleagues in the UK and Canada. In addition, this edition includes announcements concerning upcoming events, members on the move, and other matters of interest to our membership.
We thank our contributors for their time and attention to enriching this Newsletter.
Further thanks to BPLA administrator, Constance Brennan, and the staff of Readz for their collective efforts in producing this edition.
We look forward to your future contributions.
Daniel Young